Pastor Creston

Creston Hulett
Education Pastor
To grow in your faith will be a different process for every believer. For some it will be learning the basics of Christian Living so they can lead their own familes. For others it will be to develop a lifestyle that shows the world a different way to live life fully. While for others it will be a deeper and more focused approach towards personal discipline. The Huletts believe that we all find our way when we focus on the lessons learned from the Bible and we do it in the community of Small Groups.
Learning can be as simple as reflecting on a personal devotion, participating in a Sunday School class, or studying a focused doctrinal path. Jesus taught His disciples regularly and promised a Helper to continue to provide direction and remembrance. Christian Education is the way that we grow just like the disciples did.
“And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment,” Phillpipians 1:9 HCSV